About Us

We help debunk fake images for public good in Kenya. Growth in ICTs has disrupted mode of mass communication and role of the traditional media leaving societies to largely depend on Social Networking Sites for news and information. The downside is, however, unregulated news production and dissemination characterised by sensationalism, non-factual information, manipulation, misinformation, malice and propaganda.

Visual media play critical role in ascertaining information authenticity. Studies indicate that visual media affects the memory of viewers by distorting their thinking process. Such images also have capacity to deceive, inflict emotional distress, cause panic and influence public opinions, this owing to lack of knowledge & sometimes ignorance among consumers.

This platform, therefore focuses on debunking such media; including photographs and videos.

Three-step Debunking Procedure

Reverse Images Check
– Online Research

Image Lab Study
– Technical Research

Contextual Analysis on Images
– Deductive Research

Our Team

Billy Mutai

Billy is the founder of  Fake Images Check. He researches on images and through the platform, he seeks to contribute to society through debunking of fake images that more often than not contribute to misinformation & disinformation. 

Billy is a practicing news & documentary photographer for over 10 years, he is based in Nairobi and has taken up assignment across the horn region and across the globe.

He graduated with an MA in Communication from the University of Nairobi and BA in Communication & Media from Egerton University. His Master’s research was in ‘Fake Images and Disinformation in Kenya; Case Study of 2017 General Elections.’

He has worked as a reporter for the Kenya Times Newspapers, The People Daily, and a Photojournalist for Nation Media Group. He currently contributes for Anadolu Agency (Turkey) SOPA Images (Hong Kong), Getty Images, and Associated Press.

Muchemi Wachira

Muchemi Wachira is a freelance journalist and a media consultant. He has a wealth of experience in the media industry having worked in various positions at Nation Media Group (NMG), which is the leading media organisation in East and Central Africa. He worked as a senior reporter and a regional editor and he is still writes for media outlets owned by NMG. He also writes for different foreign publications.

Mr. Wachira also has a flair for Kenya’s history that have seen him research and publish articles on the Mau Mau War of independence. He is one of the founder of the Chronicles—a bi monthly publication that is published on-line through the Amazon Publishers Service.

Anthony Langat

Mr. Anthony Langat is a freelance journalist. He has been reporting for international publications on environment, climate change, human rights and other social issues since 2013.

Some of the publications include; Al Jazeera, Mongabay, Us News & World Report, Equal Times, News Deeply, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and Devex among others.

He has won several research awards including; International Consortium of Investigative Journalism’s multi-award winning 2015 investigation which unearthed the World Bank’s complacence in the evictions of indigenous people across the world.

Faith L. K.

Faith is a digital media creator keen on new media and online marketing trends. She is ardent in digital tools like adobe; photoshop, lightroom, InDesign and other designing tools and interested in reverse search technology and research on effects of new media in communities.

She is currently researching on “Effects of video gaming on aggressive behaviour” for her Masters Project in Strategic Corporate Communication.

She holds Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication from Daystar University.

Tonui K.

Mr. Tonui is an experienced communication and media specialist. He has practiced journalism as a correspondent for the two leading newspapers in Kenya.

He is a content creator for both traditional and digital media.

He is also currently engaged in research in the rise and impact of fake news in Kenya.

Mr. Tonui holds Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Master of Arts from the University of Nairobi.

Mary Kiongera

Mary is an Electronic Media and Communication professional interested in new media technologies.

She has worked with local radio stations as producer and programs curator. She is also a part-time news and corporate photographer. Currently, Mary is researching on reverse search technologies and technical aspects of image fabrication.

Mary holds Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication from Daystar University.

Asna Rashid

Asna is an accomplished multimedia communication expert with past experience in news writing, research and photojournalism.

She is interested in data journalism, media convergence and the interplay between classical journalism and current trends in media like machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how they are affecting news gathering, processing and dissemination.

Asna is currently researching on fake images especially artificially produced pictures to maliciously pass as the truth, and educating the public to discern fakes from authentic multimedia material.

She holds Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication from the Technical University of Kenya.

Brian Kiplangat

Brian is interested in New Media Technologies, social media dynamics and how these affect local politics, cross border politics and global relations. He is interested in news and documentary photography.

He is currently carrying out research on how images are used and misused on social media networking sites and how such affect communities.

Brian holds a Bachelor of Arts International Relations and Diplomacy, with IT from Maseno University.